151 W 106 St., #5B, New York, NY 10025 | xirin.xxx@gmail.com | 508.333.5656 | xirin.info
Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY
Visual Arts - MFA May 2019
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Liberal Arts - BA May 2015
Live Performances
2020 Diana, Pandem.mic, Los Angeles, CA
Married to New York, Berlin, New York, NY
2019 Hope Eats the Soul, Berlin and Columbia University, New York, NY
Dinner Duet, Berlin, New York, NY
Abort / Fetish Wedding, Berlin, New York, NY
2018 Victoria’s Scream Fashion Show, Columbia University, New York, NY
NONDUET (Practice), Columbia University, New York, NY
Llorando Proxy: An Introduction, Columbia University, New York, NY
Kiss Piece 4 (Kissing Mom), Times Square Space, New York, NY
Babelet, The Jewish Museum, New York
Abort / Fetish Wedding, Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY
Kiss Piece 3 (Opening Kisses), Wallach Gallery, New York, NY
2017 Kiss Piece 2 (Drool Dance), Columbia University, New York, NY
Widget Woman, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
A Woman’s Worth, Cabinet27, New York, NY
2016 Eve’s Speech, Berlin, New York, NY
Butterfly Me, Berlin, New York, NY
Together Under Willow, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Joan Jonas’ Mirror Check, A*Space, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Group Exhibitions
2019 Aesthetically Functional Only, 1675 Broadway, New York, NY
Columbia MFA Thesis Exhibition, Wallach Gallery, New York, NY
2018 Feel that other day running underneath this one, Times Square Space, New York, NY
In Response, The Jewish Museum, New York NY
First-Year MFA Exhibition, Wallach Gallery, New York, NY
2017 Happy Birthday to Me, 599 Putnam, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Nude Leaks, A*Space, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Summer Exhibition, Barbara Walters Gallery, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
With God on Our Side, Heimbold Visual Arts Center, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
2013 Sarah Lawrence College Film Festival, Donnelly Film Theatre, Bronxville, NY
Blossom of Goodness, A*Space, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
2011 wordUP, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
2010 Student Exhibition, UCLA New Wight Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Residencies / Grants
2020 A.I.R. Performance Residency, A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (postponed due to COVID19)
2018 The Institute of Investigative Living with Andrea Zittel, Joshua Tree, CA
Dean’s Travel Grant, Columbia University, New York, NY
2019 Incarnata Social Club, co-curated with Kembra Pfahler, Berlin, New York, NY
Tease, An Evening of Performance Works, Columbia University, New York, NY
2015 China Chalet Menu Alteration Project, co-curated with Maika Pollack, China Chalet, New York NY
2014 Contemporary Collection, Shirin Gallery, New York, NY
Between Now and Then, co-curated with Banyi Huang, BRIC, Brooklyn, NY
Screensavers, BRIC, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Home Show, Carrer de Berenguer Mallol, Barcelona
2020 “Womxn in Performance,” online through Zoom
“In Five Years,” Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
2018 “Llorando Proxy: An Introduction,” Columbia University, New York, NY
2013 “Self-Directing the Gaze,” Sarah Lawrence College
“Imagining the Iranian Woman: Orientalism and the New Photographic Aesthetic,”
Postcolonial and Development Studies Conference, Sarah Lawrence College
"Foreclosure of a Dream," Donnelly Film Theater, Sarah Lawrence College
2009 “The ‘Art of the Americas Wing’ at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,” Harvard Extension School,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Professional Experience
Incarnata Social Club with Kembra Pfahler, NY Co-Manager (March 2017 – Present)
Human Rights Campaign, DC Creative Content Advisor (May 2017 - Present)
Norooz Foundation, Charlotte, NC New York Development Advisor (April 2011 - Present)
Shirin Gallery, NY Assistant Director (September 2014 - February 2017)
Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY Glenview Estate Guide (September 2013 -June 2014)
BRIC, NY Contemporary Art/Curatorial Intern (Summer 2014)
No Longer Empty, NY Programs Intern (October 2012 - May 2013)
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Research Assistant to Anthropology Professor Robert Desjarlais (2013)
Marketing and Communications Office Assistant (September 2011 – January 2015)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Youth Programs Assistant (October 2007 – August 2011)
Teaching Experience
2020 “Womxn in Performance,” a six-week online course
Private Tutor, Students grades 6-12, New York, NY (since 2013)
2019 Teaching Assistant, Seminar in Contemporary Art with Leeza Meksin,
Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY
2018 Teaching Assistant, Concepts in Visual Art: Performance with Liz Magic Laser,
Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, NY
2017 Dance and Movement Instruction, 440 Studios, New York, NY
2015 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Photography with Joel Sternfeld,
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY